11151056_10206515152217017_3810195099060431924_nAugust 16th, 2015 marks 30 days (and nights) that I have lived (slept) in a box truck. I moved into the former FedEx truck (also called a cutaway van) on July 18th. It was a hot day by Seattle’s standards but I was happy to be in my very own place for the first time in a long while, sweat and all. I rolled in the parking lot of a gym that would be the land part of my new home around 1pm; I had asked permission to ‘park’ there more than a month earlier so at least I wasn’t sweating that part. Some things didn’t stay as ‘in place’ as I’d hoped so after I got everything fairly situated, I headed out for a well-earned massage. Before I went to bed, I popped in the gym and sat in the hot tub for a bit, then the dry sauna before taking a very long hot shower and heading back to my new home on wheels. This first 30 days, which I hope is the beginning of many more milestones, has been nearly blissful. Really! I would be honored if you read the rest of my posts leading me up to this point.