Large Bag, But No Croutons

Ever since I moved to the Seattle area everything has seemingly fallen into place like cogs in a wheel. Before I moved here, I was finishing up my memoir and had started writing another book as well as a TV show. The very first event I attended near my new northwest...

No Need For TV

Observations in two hours: A drunk guy staggering by my house. A guy driving a tow truck totally rocking out. A woman wearing nothing but five spinning tassels. A grey haired lady wearing a t-shirt that said “I love BJ” on it. A short guy with cool clown shoes on but...

What I Know Now

As I sat at the counter at a Deli near my workplace, I caught a reflection of an infant in the window in front of me.  The infant was sitting on his Grandmother’s lap just over my left shoulder at a table for two.  As the small child and I locked our gaze, his eyes...

My Mother Taught Me Well

When I thought my mom was cruel for making me climb the narrow stairs to the attic when I cried, She was really teaching me I had to stop feeling sorry for myself if I wanted to focus on moving upward. When I thought my mom was neglecting me by having three jobs and...

The Last Track

Olivia met Logan while grazing on a few corn stalks still poking through the winter snow at old man Tomahawk’s farm.  She was immediately smitten with him when he strutted his long awkward legs over to her and said “If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.”  Olivia...